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Tallulah Baran

Workshop: Jefferys Bay

Artefact # 3624

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Tool Handle


This item was found incomplete and left behind therefore, dating back to early 2020 before the corona virus had fully effected South Africa. 


The object is a cylinder. 13cm long, diameter of 2.7cm











Additional Notes:


The handle is made from a sort of hardwood which was extracted from trees during that time.


The early 21st century was only the start of automatic tools, thus hand tool where still common in makers workshops. The object seen above is a hand for an unknown tool. It is assumed that the maker used a lathe to carve, creating different curvatures for both ergonomics and aesthetic.


There were no documents found that pair with this item. However, it is assumed that it is the handle of a tool that would assist in the making of the other unfinished works found on site.



"This looks like a handle blank. This is a replacement piece that would be kept in workshops in case it was needed. Because hand tools were heavily used and even over worked in certain situations they often broke and needed repairs. This piece is a cheap alternative to having to replace the entire tool which can be a costly procedure."



Tallulah Barans workshop was recently discovered by the NIDA field agents. Found in what once was known as Jefferys Bay in South Africa, since been re-named Area 626. The workshop revealed a time capsule of both finished and unfinished work. The area of 'Jefferys Bay' became uninhabited during the Covid-19 crisis. as the area becomes modernised 100 years later our agents are discovering more left behind treasures.  

Artefact # 3625

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Metal Work


Knife/dagger blade​


The blade was found unfinished. Thought to have been left during coronavirus in early 2020.


23cm in length, 3cm wide








6mm steel 


The artefact was made using a combination of hand held electric


and non electric tools, such as, the jig saw and files



Screen Shot 2020-06-14 at 2.27.16 pm.png


"This dagger was likely chosen as a concealed weapon due to its size. These sorts of blades are often associated with betrayal like in the infamous Kevin 07/ Julia Gillard betrayal where Gillard is believed to kill off her ally and handball champion of the world, and dethrone him and use him as an example to scare off any potential threats."

Artefact # 3626

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Conch shell​


March 2020














Additional Notes:

The NIDA investigation used x-ray technology to scan the object. It was discovered that wire and additional soft materials were embedded as amature for the shell. The shell was constructed with a type of moulding clay, used to make both copies and imagined objects.






Found with the shell were hand tools, thought to have been used to sculpted form and texture. reference images and objects were also discovered which is what was used to create, rather than digital methods.


A reference model was found that was made with one of the first kinds of 3D printers. The technology was printed with only one colour, and the textures where still visible from the printed materials.

future me cool.jpg

"Yes, marvellous, the artists attention to texture and detail is astonishing.
There are shells just like this on the beaches of my secret island hideout don't you know? I had them especially imported from Hawaii..."


Artefact # 3627

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Portrait series​


The Portrait series discovered were found signed and dated. Confirming they were completed on the April 2020.




They portraits were made on A3 white paper. Using Pigment Liner Pens and acrylic paints.

These portraits were drawn by hand using a single line technique. Watered down Acrylic paint used in the portraits over the pen highlighting different parts of the image. The drawings were all done by hand.



"The drawings illustrated by artist T.Baran used two fascinating techniques that involved manual labour not commonly seen today. The techniques are single line drawing and watercolour. The style was considered to be minimalistic and somewhat abstract."


Artefact # 3628

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kewpie dolls


April 2020


4cm tall, 2cm wide


A two part resin was used to create clones from a pinkysil mould. Embedded in the resins are materials such as gold leaf and sprinkles.



A casting technique was used to create these objects 

future makeup (2).png

“This piece is truly amazing. Not only was our team lucky enough to discover complete casts but the mold itself was recovered from this workshop! I find it amazing how during the time of 2020 people still made silicone molds and cast them with resin! We do have evidence of early scanners and 3D printers existing during this era… how strange?”

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